What's loosely typed language?

What's loosely typed language?

loosely vs strongly typed language

A loosely typed language is a programming language that does not require a variable to be defined. it automatically associates a data type to the variable, depending on its value.

Example: PHP language

$name = 'moemen'; 
// The value of name (moemen)is a string so it's not required to define the data type of variable.
$number = 5;
// The value of number (5)is an integer so it's not required to define the data type of variable.
$payment = true;
// The value of payment(true)is a boolean so it's not required to define the data type of variable.

What's strongly typed language?

A strongly typed language is a programming language that demands the declaration of every variable with a data type.

Example: Java language

//Declaration to the variable with a data type is required.
String name = "John"; // String
int number = 15; // integer
boolean payment = true; // boolean