There is also a short-hand if else, which is known as the ternary operator because it consists of three operands. It can be used to replace multiple lines of code with a single line. It is often used to replace simple if else statements:
Example :
// Normal condition
$name = 'ali';
if($name === 'ali'){
echo "Yes I'm ali";
echo "No I'm not ali";
// output: Yes I'm ali
/* In Ternary condition
Syntax : Condition ? Statement1 : Statement2;
Statement1 : if condition is true ..
statement2 : if condition is false ..
$name = 'ali';
$name === 'ali' ? echo "Yes I'm ali" : echo "No I'm not ali" ;
// output: Yes I'm ali
Generally, Ternary operators are not used with complicated conditions that have multiple conditions (elseif) and it's better to use Normal condition syntax (if elseif else)with complicated conditions.
$age = 15;
if($age > 18){
echo "You can enter";
elseif($age === 18){
echo "You can enter with an adult one only";
elseif($age === 13){
echo "You are small";
echo "You can't enter";
Now if we want to write the same block of code but using the Ternary operator :
First The answer will be stored in $result variable.
All code at Statement2 will be inside parentheses.
Condition ? Statement1 : (Statement2...) then every condition will be too
inside parentheses like The example down.
$age = 15;
echo $result = $age > 18 ? 'You can enter' : (($age === 18) ? 'You can enter with an adult one only' : (($age === 13) ? "You are small" : "You can't enter")) ;
// Output: You can't enter